Thursday 23 March 2017

Passengers (2016)

Honestly i just finish watching Passengers movie few hours ago!
i watch the clear version of it in HD with my handphone.

The movie was release in 2016 but i just watch it today. 
I dobn't know why i missed watching it in the cinema because i never miss's movie on cinema!
 For those who haven't watch it yer i recommend you to watch it online (link at the end of this post!)

I am excited about this movie because it's Jennifer Lawrence and Christ Pratt!
what an awesome combination!

So, the story is basically about a spaceship that travel to another planet for 120 years. The best part is during the 120 years travelling they put all the passengers including the pilot and the captain into a box to sleep!
S.L.E.E.P for 120 years! 
you don't get old, you just stay the same.
the idea is very much interesting you know. 
i keep thinking if the spaceship really exist, would i go for it?
imagine waking up in the whole new world after sleeping for 120 years. 
it's like you are travelling through time but in a reality version.

Well, the ship was okay until one of the passenger awake. 
Jim Preston.
That's shouldn't happen obviously but everything happen for a reason.
When Jim woke up he soon realize he wake up accidentally and that he was alone.
Well, there's the robot bartender who accompany him actually but well, a robot is a robot.
It's not the same as human.
Jim tried everything he could so he can go back to sleep but nothing ever works.
 Soon, Jim feel so lonely and you know how loneliness can kill.
He almost throw himself outside the ship.
Soon, he found Aurora who save his life by sleeping.
The moment Jim saw Aurora, he finds he interesting and began to read Aurora profile.
He soon learn that Aurora is a writer and also a person who doesn't really have the purposed of living.
He reads Aurora's stories and fall in love with Aurora profile.
Reading seems not enough for Jim. He wants more.
He wants Aurora to wake up.
It's a hard decision but he feels so lonely and he needs someone to stay by him.
After doubting himself so many time, he finally decided to wake Aurora.
and taraaaa...

Just like Jim, Aurora freak out at first but she also began to fall in love with each other.
in love!
Aurora's initial plan was to travel to the Homestead II for 120 years and live there for a year and then travel back to earth for another 120 years. 
I actually found it a brilliant idea because i would like to see how earth look like 240 years later from now. Aurora wants a fresh start on earth for her. New people and surrounding.
And i think that's the reason why Aurora get really mad when she finds out that it was Jim who actually woke her up. 
She was so mad that she almost kill Jim. I would probably do the same too.

Another guy woke up due to the malfunction of the ship. It was the captain of the ship Gus. Thats when they both learn that the ship have problem.
But Gus didn't make it long in the spaceship. He soon die due to malfunctioning of his hibernation pod. After Gus die, Aurora and Jim find out the problem of the ship and fix them.

There are a few quotes that i really love in the Movie and i'll list it down here.

1. Aurora: you can't get so hung up and where you'd rather be, that you forget to make the most of where you are.

We all have a goal we want to achieve but while we are trying to reach the goal, we should't forget to enjoy the moment.

2. Gus: The drowning man will always try to drag somebody down with him. it ain't right, but the man is drowning.

Gus said this when Aurora trying to blame Jim for waking her up. The quote keep me thinking a for while. I started to imagine a drowning man. I don't really know how it feels because i am pretty good at swimming. But when i was a child i saw my friend who was swimming just next to me drowning. And she was like unconsciously trying to grab anything near her to help her arise from drowning. Just like Jim. He was desperately lonely. He's been living in the ship alone for a year and i don't know. i imagine myself living in the ship alone. That's terrible. 
Jim was drowning and unconsciously drag Aurora to save him. 
So, it's really hard to blame Jim in this. 
By the way, my friend didn't die. She was rescued before anything bad happen. :)
i would like to swim with those view!

3. Arthur: I laugh at a man with no pants, until i realized i have no legs.

Often we forget our own deficiency and laugh at others. But little did we know that our deficiency might be worst than them. ;)

that's all for today and thanks for reading!

S o p h i e l o u i e


  1. I love Jennifer Lawrence. She the example of real woman!
    She has another movie before this, "Joy" ,you should watch that too.


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